About Me, Employment, home education, Kingdom truth, My Nerd, Writing

At Summer’s End

As the beginning of our school year looms closely, I am looking back over the summer so far and seeing progress!

My role at work has definitely shifted a bit in what feels like the right direction. Our VP has been giving me Business Process related projects to do for him, which I am thoroughly enjoying.

Alongside of that, I am also part of the “Leading Change Guiding Coalition.” This give me opportunity to speak up and to ask hard questions of the leadership at our company. It has been enlightening, empowering and great fun for me so far.

I do feel that I am showing up more and more at work, which is what I was aiming to do.

On the school front, I need to pull out all the resources we will be using and review the first week’s lesson plans before Wednesday. At this moment I feel peaceful and confident about accomplishing this – yippee!

Part of the peacefulness and of the me-showing-up-more victory is my return to a Keto way of eating. Coupled with that is trying out a supplement that appears to be helping me achieve more optimal balance in my health overall. Yet another piece of forward momentum for which I am thankful.

Other highlights from this summer include finishing another NaNoWriMo (which I scheduled for myself), a glorious trip to Indiana Dunes Beach with family and friends, the Wonder Woman movie, the best-so-far sports camp outreach in Kentucky and enjoying the FUN of summer here at home.


~living large, on the Indiana prairie

My Nerd

So far

Being back in the work environment outside of my realm (home) is a multi-faceted adventure.

I find that I love the challenge, even those things that intimidate me.  Can I just say that years of learning and experience are a benefit that is beyond description?  I am still a learner and pursuing growth and transformation, but I celebrate how far He has brought me.  Woot!  Woot!

The interaction with so many new and different people is both energizing and exhausting; I don’t realize how exhausting until later in the day.  Knowing my need for being alone to re-energize means that I long for Amy-time even more than normal.

Learning to “dare greatly,” that is to be fully me and vulnerable at work is scary and wonderful.  I’m not sure how long I get to play the newbie card, but so far the measure of grace and understanding extended to me at my workplace is quite astounding.  [Church, we have a lot to learn!]

Remembering that transition is always difficult, that change is a double-edged opportunity and that the process is the point, while not always easy to do, does re-set my perspective in times of wrestling with this decision to accept the position.

Thanks to all of you, my bestie husband, my besties, my natural family and my Kingdom family, for being my faithful cheerleaders and encouragers.  Your investment in me all of these years has helped to bring me to where I am today.  You rock, and I love each one of you dearly.

~still in the honeymoon phase, on the Indiana prairie

Kingdom truth, My Nerd, Quotes and paraphrases

Gleanings from “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People”

“On the topic of habits, being human and self-control:

“. . . man has the freedom to choose.  

“Within the freedom to choose are those endowments that make us uniquely human. In addition to self-awareness, we have imagination — the ability to create in our minds beyond our present reality.  We have conscience — a deep inner awareness of right and wrong, of the principles that govern our behavior, and a sense of the degree to which our thoughts and actions are in harmony with our self-awareness, free of all other influences.”1

“Look at the word responsibility — “responseability” — the ability to choose your response. Highly proactive people recognize that responsibility. They do not blame circumstances, conditions, or conditioning for their behavior.” 2

No one can hurt you without your consent.  Eleanor Roosevelt

They cannot take away our self respect if we do not give it to them.  Gandhi

We are not victims.  We are all powerful people who get to choose.  If you give your choice away to someone else, you still made a choice.


1″The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in …” 22 Jun. 2016 <https://books.google.com/books?id=upUxaNWSaRIC&pg=PA70&lpg=PA70&dq=%22man+has+freedom+to+choose.+Within+the+freedom+to+choose+are+those+endowments&source=bl&ots=f3BKK_dg0L&sig=RBnJz3DnpgMBQ9vDmrlOO9CX8G0>

2 “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in …” 22 Jun. 2016 <https://books.google.com/books?id=upUxaNWSaRIC&pg=PA71&lpg=PA71&dq=%22look+at+the+word+responsibility+–+%22response-ability%22+–+the+ability+to+choose+your+response.+Highly+proactive+people+recognize+that+responsibility.+They+do+not+blame+circumstances,+conditions+or+conditioning+or+their+behavior&source=bl&ots=f3BKK_eb0F&sig=Qzui3O6dCGP8qRYdXGuO7nC0aQ8>


~enjoying paradigm shifts, on the Indiana prairie