Spiritual formation & transformation

Trusting in the slow work of God

Endings are beginnings. A closed door offers a the opening of a new door. Change in responsibility = margin created.

On this last day of September 2023, one of my jobs ends; it’s a mutally acceptable arrangement, and one that I have encouraged. I will miss the challenge, but am excited to embrace the new, yet-to-be-seen things that are ahead.

One major theme this year has been the invitation daily, moment-by-moment to trust in the slow work of God in myself and others. He has been showing me that it is often easier for me to trust in His slow work in others; I hold myself to a different standard. . . which means that I am believing the lie that I can control God’s work in me. And there I go again — seating myself on a throne. Forgive me, Lord.

Another theme of late is the realization of how late the hour is and how little time I probably have left on this amazing Creation Earth. The divine tension between these two themes is where He meets me and transforms me to look like Him.

May God’s will be done. Nothing more. Nothing less. Nothing else.

~ following in His footsteps, on the Indiana prairie