
Quiet Steady Snow

Silently, gently showering down since about 9:00 a.m., the pristine white snow blankets our backyard. A double-fisted flock of house wrens plus a few other assorted birds chatter and scold one another as they flit on and off our birdfeeder that was once filled with sunflower seeds. 

“Snow days” sound a siren call to my creative soul – “bake,” they wooed in my pre-college years. “Brood and write alone,” their voices whispered seductively during my college years. Though not as enticing nor as perceivable above the din of having babies, raising children and homeschooling — still their invitation to create was sensed during those years.

Today, after putting in my obligatory 5 hours of work this morning and taking care of the daily household and personal tasks that required my attention, I find myself at the dining room table soaking up the tableau outside. I am not brooding, but I am writing. Earlier today, I moved mentally toward the plan of starting a soup in my Instant Pot (using the slow cook feature, and no, the irony of that was not lost on me in that moment; and yes, I did in fact laugh out loud), but abandoned that idea when I realized that I need to make bone broth this weekend before I make the soup.

The very last task I turned my attention to before writing was to do some more research and planning for the silent prayer retreat that I want to complete in the next few months. In past years, I have scheduled it for near my birthday in February, but this year waiting until after a commitment that I have is completed is a better timing for me.

(A red-headed woodpecker has joined the gaggle of birds competing for the sunflower booty; the smaller birds are less chatty and flitting while he is on the birdfeeder. Group dynamics are real even in nature.)

My hands down favorite place to go on retreat is a small air b-n-b type place in the northern part of the state. The dates that I want are not available, AND it’s more than I want to pay this time around. I have no argument about the price per night; it’s reasonable for the amenities. 

What amenities do I really need on a silent prayer retreat? Am I not getting away so that I can unplug and be silent and alone? 

I think I have been lying to myself about why I have chosen the various locations that I have chosen in the past. The truth is that I do like having the option to not be silent, to entertain myself somehow, to be “plugged back in” if I want to do that. Oh yes — I tell myself that I won’t do that, and generally I haven’t. But I also have not been willing to simply lay down the opportunity to even choose whether I do or not. 

My old nemesis, the desire to control, is a persuasive liar and a master of disguise. I am thankful that God is helping me to see through the smoke and mirrors, but also sad that my desire to control is so strong, so pervasive and so silently present with me. 

I had to dash away for a moment to set up pizza dough in our bread machine. Then while in the kitchen I noticed that there were a few other tasks that needed my quick attention. The lovely vista I return to here recenters me in peace. 

“What if you just receive each day as a gift from me?” God asked me that while I was on my way to getting into bed last night. I didn’t even know that I was complaining or moving toward control or plotting or planning or any other such thing. “Yeah, I would like that, too.” I replied. 

He continues to speak to me about my longing to know and to be released into my calling, which to me relates to vocation. More than a few decades into my life, and still I have no clue. I do sense that way is being closed behind me, rather than way opening. And that is significant to perceive, to understand and to be thankful for. 

Being the “all or nothing,” lover of extremes and user of hyberbole, action-oriented woman that I am, it appeals to me to simply adopt the false attitude of giving up. You know, make a rule and have a catch phrase to remind myself of that rule — possibly starting with “whatever”.

But way closing behind me invites me to continue to walk with God, side-by-side, listening and going with Him. A rule and a catch phrase won’t do. I want to truly surrender and find the peace and joy that results. And even that is a selfish desire. 

Would you help me to desire in my very core to bring glory to You in every thought, attitude, word, action, motivation, relationship. . . in everything, God? It’s not about me and my comfort. 

~ in the waiting, on the Indiana prairie



There are so many, many aches in my heart right now for others near and far. The evil that is boldly advancing on the Earth is heartbreaking. While the battle is truly against principalities and powers, it hurts flesh and blood people here right now. Only God can deliver us from this evil. The Good News is that He has already won the victory. And we have access to that victory through Jesus Christ, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Thanks be to God! May we unify in our prayers to God for deliverance from evil.

If you are unfamiliar with that of which I speak, the Gospel of John is a great place to start reading. YouVersion Bible app is free and offers many versions / translations of the Bible. NLT, ESV, NKJV, NIV are all great options. Before you read, ask God to teach you about Jesus and to help you to hear God’s voice as you read.

On a related topic, something God has been highlighting to me lately is how He protects me from things without my awareness. I am so thankful for that. He has been showing me that He protects me from me, also. Today, He made clear to me some immaturity and showed me how He has been protecting me from exalting myself and from being promoted out of my proper “sphere.” Additionally, He showed me that I don’t belong in a certain circle of people. This has caused my heart pain, and I feel embarrassed that I have lived with attitudes and actions opposed to these new revelations. He is so kind, loving, and merciful. I am grateful for His wise protection. My heart aches, but I know and rely on the love He has for me.

Learning from and leaning on Jesus, on the Indiana prairie

Spiritual formation & transformation

Trusting in the slow work of God

Endings are beginnings. A closed door offers a the opening of a new door. Change in responsibility = margin created.

On this last day of September 2023, one of my jobs ends; it’s a mutally acceptable arrangement, and one that I have encouraged. I will miss the challenge, but am excited to embrace the new, yet-to-be-seen things that are ahead.

One major theme this year has been the invitation daily, moment-by-moment to trust in the slow work of God in myself and others. He has been showing me that it is often easier for me to trust in His slow work in others; I hold myself to a different standard. . . which means that I am believing the lie that I can control God’s work in me. And there I go again — seating myself on a throne. Forgive me, Lord.

Another theme of late is the realization of how late the hour is and how little time I probably have left on this amazing Creation Earth. The divine tension between these two themes is where He meets me and transforms me to look like Him.

May God’s will be done. Nothing more. Nothing less. Nothing else.

~ following in His footsteps, on the Indiana prairie


Slowing down to keep pace with

Hey, friends. Here we are on almost the last day of July 2023.

Yup, I have some goals for this year and so far some are on track:

  • Relationships as a priority, including God, family, friends, co-workers and new-to-me people
  • Intentionality and being present to the moment as a daily practice
  • Slowing down enough to encounter Jesus as often as possible throughout the day
  • Pursuing creative/life-giving practices weekly
  • Vulnerability and showing up as my true self to the measure that He enables me to do that
  • Saying yes to some things that are outside my comfort zone and that are not necessarily in my skill set
  • Reflection about the events of the day and my responses throughout the day
  • Personal retreat in the spring

Some of the things that I have not successfully pursued as of yet:

  • Quilting – repairing a quilt and sewing a new quilt are on my list
  • Learning to use my new-to-me sewing machine – it’s computerized and has so many amazing features
  • Gardening – my “Charlie Brown” garden is kinda sad. Not sure what happened to some of the seeds, but they did not sprout. I even tried a second replanting and still nothing in those bare spaces. To be fair, I have probably had a return on my investment that matches my investment. I would like to be more knowledgeable and prepared for next year.
  • Hiking and camping combined
  • Frequent visits to a beach
  • North Carolina trip to visit our daughter and her family out there
  • Personal retreat in the fall
  • Blogging more consistently and more often than once a year

In other news:

I have started learning to play Pickleball thanks to some friends from our church. I think I could get to the point where I truly enjoy playing for the fun of it. Time will tell.

Due to lack of clients, I deleted my VA website. I am still available for projects; I’d be happy to discuss the possibility of working with you: https://calendly.com/amydemoss/ .

And yes, the team I am a part of at one of my jobs is STILL working on the project we were assigned almost two years ago. It continues to astound us with its intricacies and complexities. I think the seemingly never ending new scenarios in this project reflect the challenges of being a company that innovates in response to customer requests for products which meet specific needs in the niche. Our team has a BIG goal of being completely finished with this project by the end of 2023. . . And then one of our team members is being pulled into a different team to help until a key position is filled. That’s life.

~still living large, on the Indiana prairie

Bullet Journal, Dots, Kingdom truth

it happened last December

turns out that rewriting “blog” in my bullet journal more than 31 times was not enough to prompt me to do so.

hence, here i am, late again.

December was fantastic fun, which at the time felt like it was flying by, despite my real efforts to slow myself and enjoy the journey. i am thankful for all the times of connecting with the special people in my life. were the month sixty days long, it would NOT be enough time to fit everything into it.

highlights for me were spending time with Mom, G and my sister along with our people celebrating His birth and then our people being together again celebrating His birth. does a mom’s heart good to overflowing.

i said it out loud how much i do not like when they all leave. i understand that it is right and what we raised them to do. i am thankful and happy that each one is moving forward as a responsible, maturing, loving person. i really do not want to live with ten other people for the rest of me life – do i? but none of that makes the leaving less sad and painful.

leavings, be they of this world or to eternity, are bittersweet. even now my stomach churns and tears form behind my eyes. i miss you all so much. parting truly is such sweet sorrow.

ahead of me in 2020 are more leavings, some anticipated and some yet to be realized. i am comforted by His Presence and peace that is beyond all that I understand in my intellect even now as I look ahead to them.

may our vision this year be 2020 Kingdom vision. may our whole bodies, souls and spirits be save, healed, delivered, transformed and renewed.

~remembering December on the Indiana prairie

About Me, Blisses, Dots, Kingdom truth

And then came June

what a great month is June! summer is fully here, and in Indiana that means any spring, summer or fall weather is fair game. just enjoy the ever-changing weather journey.

one excellent addition to my life of late is a gift from my dear husband – a cruiser style 7-speed bike. yes! our youngest and I have taken many a short jaunts together since the gift. I have missed very much the joy of riding a bike.

it also seems that I am in something of a “throw-back” mode in life, as I find old dreams and relationships and ideas receiving new life breathed into them. another ocean of joy for which I am thankful.

not all is sunshine and roses in life, of course. our kiddos each have challenges of his/her own, which then cause pain in mom’s heart. if we don’t love, we don’t feel pain. so, that’s just as it should be, right? personally one bit of news that is “inconclusive” hangs in an unresolved state until later in July. choosing to simply look at the facts without attaching any emotion to it at present is an on-going challenge.  it could be that things will turn out fabulously for all involved, so if I am going to imagine something, I will choose that narrative!

this morning I realized once again that I have slipped slightly down the slope of reacting to the story of my life instead of taking up my role as the lead actor. time to step into my story, write it, live it, love it. maybe time to write some people out of my story and some people into my story.

~enjoying the journey, on the Indiana prairie

About Me, Dots, Employment, home education

The daily minutia and dots

So it comes to this. I am “writing” while slow jogging.

And of course, talk to text is sketchy at best, as is typing on my mobile, yet I launch.

I’ve been pondering forgiveness, (receiving and giving), and love and the great blessings I have from God. It’s a very good way to start a day. If you don’t possess those things, I encourage you to read in the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John in the New Testament of the Bible; choose the NLT or NIV or Message or Passion versions. Jesus Christ is the embodiment of love, and if you look at Him, you’ll find what you’re searching for.

Still putting one foot in front of the other in all the spheres of influence in my life. Wrestling to believe the truth and to make adjustments as needed. I do feel disconnected from the most important roles that I play. Don’t want that awareness to go away, however I do want the disconnect to connect.

As a wife, mom and home-school parent, intentionality is a key. Husband and two-daughters-at-home and I are taking a combined spring break/ anniversary trip over a long weekend. May our hearts all connect and from there launch stronger journeys together. That is my hope/prayer.

We’ve designed the trip with some time for me to be alone, which may sound weird, but is valuable vacation time for me. Reflecting and regrouping and resetting and prioritizing and re-centering are on my must-do list for that precious alone time. It is what I am craving right now but cannot get out from under the Daily Grind to do.

My very best old friend always gives to me so many things, and her most recent gift of a book suggestion for reading together is a DOT on the reconnecting journey. I have only just begun to nibble on this sustenance, but I highly recommend the book entitled “The Emotionally Healthy Woman.” If you read it, will you please, comment on it here on my blog?

Dots connecting for me about church have put words things I already knew in my gut. God has clarified for me the leadership structure and the level of community being fostered there. I am stewarding this insight guardedly, because I don’t want to prejudice others. So I wait and listen and worship.

Being vulnerable  and showing up at work is becoming more and more my habit. I tend to fear reprimand after I have shown up, yet so far that has not happened.


~ living more vulnerably, on the Indiana prairie

Kingdom truth, My Nerd, Quotes and paraphrases

Gleanings from “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People”

“On the topic of habits, being human and self-control:

“. . . man has the freedom to choose.  

“Within the freedom to choose are those endowments that make us uniquely human. In addition to self-awareness, we have imagination — the ability to create in our minds beyond our present reality.  We have conscience — a deep inner awareness of right and wrong, of the principles that govern our behavior, and a sense of the degree to which our thoughts and actions are in harmony with our self-awareness, free of all other influences.”1

“Look at the word responsibility — “responseability” — the ability to choose your response. Highly proactive people recognize that responsibility. They do not blame circumstances, conditions, or conditioning for their behavior.” 2

No one can hurt you without your consent.  Eleanor Roosevelt

They cannot take away our self respect if we do not give it to them.  Gandhi

We are not victims.  We are all powerful people who get to choose.  If you give your choice away to someone else, you still made a choice.


1″The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in …” 22 Jun. 2016 <https://books.google.com/books?id=upUxaNWSaRIC&pg=PA70&lpg=PA70&dq=%22man+has+freedom+to+choose.+Within+the+freedom+to+choose+are+those+endowments&source=bl&ots=f3BKK_dg0L&sig=RBnJz3DnpgMBQ9vDmrlOO9CX8G0>

2 “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in …” 22 Jun. 2016 <https://books.google.com/books?id=upUxaNWSaRIC&pg=PA71&lpg=PA71&dq=%22look+at+the+word+responsibility+–+%22response-ability%22+–+the+ability+to+choose+your+response.+Highly+proactive+people+recognize+that+responsibility.+They+do+not+blame+circumstances,+conditions+or+conditioning+or+their+behavior&source=bl&ots=f3BKK_eb0F&sig=Qzui3O6dCGP8qRYdXGuO7nC0aQ8>


~enjoying paradigm shifts, on the Indiana prairie