
Where she go?

Hi, gentle readers. I had no intention of leaving you abandoned for so long.

Truth is that other things had my attention; I have been trying to put my “extra” time toward launching a Virtual Assistant business. So there’s that. Status – still trying to truly launch after some initial great progress. Nada now. . . If you know anyone who is looking, I would love to have a chat. https://calendly.com/amydemoss/

I don’t want to hawk that side hustle here, though. I really want to catch you up — it shouldn’t take long.

The fall of 2021 was kinda beautiful out in nature; it is my favorite season, so I am partial. We celebrated Thanksgiving at our home with family and enjoyed the usual feasting and family fun. Every moment spent together with family is a very precious gemstone!

Christmas 2021 did not go as planned; one of our daughters was SICK, so she and her intended did not make it to our celebration together. We did pass gifts off to each other in our driveway, which was a consolation to my mom’s heart. It was good to be together with all who could be together including our at-that-time unborn grandchildren (our first two).

Winter slogged forward with snow and some ice pummeling us off and on; dear hubbie was happy that he decided earlier in 2021 to invest in a “cheap” snow blower. I continued to work remotely with the exception of some in-office training with new team members. Dear hubbie continued to work in the office. The fear porn that has held so many in prison did not affect us and our day-to-day lives. Sadly, it is affecting us tangentially. May God help us all.

Here in almost Spring 2022, we are having gorgeous sunshiny days of warmer temperatures and early flowers pushing their buds up through the ground. Earlier this month we were surprised by both of our new grandbabies arriving within one day of each other; they were due about a month apart. Both babies and moms are doing very well given their particular challenges; neither delivery was a “normal” experience for the moms and babies. We are very much looking forward to meeting and to holding these fabulous new wee people and to be with their parents.

That’s the high-level overview of the facts of what has been going on with me. How do I feel? Deep inside my spirit and soul, I am well and at peace. I have hope and expectation for all of the loving, good and prosperous things that God has for me each and every day. The chaos, destruction, hate, lies, deception, crime, and gaslighting in the natural cause me to battle discouragement, frustration, anger, helplessness, powerlessness, and depression frequently throughout the day. I am also restless and dissatisfied with my job role. While I am thankful for many things about my job and thankful that I have a job, it is a struggle every day to show up and give my very best.

What do I need? I think what I need is something significant to do — I need to find my people who are a part of my destiny so that I can find my calling. At this moment and in myself I do not know how to close that gap. I don’t want to just pick something and throw myself into it. I want it to align with what I am created to be and to do. I find myself again in a season of pain and disappointment in which He is simply asking me to hold His hand as we walk through it together. And being with Him like that is a most wonderful place to be. The dying to self part is relentlessly painful, but the end result will be golden.

~tying to be the very best version of me I can be today, on the Indiana prairie

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